13.06 - 23.06 2024

“We look back through our mothers if we are women” – Espace Démart, Lausanne (CH)

“We look back through our mothers if we are women,” an excerpt from Virginia Woolf’s lecture “A Room of One’s Own,” encourages women to write about their lives, their friendships, their mothers, to make them visible and inspire future generations. For her second solo exhibition, Bertille Laguet references the British author and intertwines gestural heritage with female daily life to perpetuate the connection to the Living.

16.11 - 25.11 2023

New Swiss Kitchen Essentials

Carotte Style Sapin will be showcased aux Design Days in Geneva (CH).
Curator : Espaces Contemporains

06.10 - 17.10 2021

Binomiale Exhibition, commissioned by the artist collective Fragmentin (La Becque, CH / San Francisco, USA)

Presentation of an instructional artwork in collaboration with Sherwin Rio and 4 guest artists participating in the performance: Jeanne Tara (Geneva), Maria Ferrer (Barcelona), Charlene Tan (San Francisco), Owen Takabayashi (San Francisco).
With the support of the State of Vaud, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Swissnex, and La Becque Artists’ Residence.
Sherwin Rio Binominale

17.06 2021

Discussion-conference with Marie Schumann, textile designer

In conjunction with the ‘Breathing Colors’ exhibition by Hella Jongerius at the Gewerbemuseum – Winterthur (CH), we will intervene as the ‘young generation of designers’ to establish connections between our respective practices and their relationship to color, volume, and material.

20.11 - 23.12 2020

Inspired By Switzerland – Chur

Favrô is exhibited at the OKRO Gallery in Chur (CH).
Curator Gabriela Chicherio, Zurich (CH).

05.11 - 15.11 2020

Design Days – Lausanne

À Table !, With Quartier Général, Contemporary Art Center,
La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)

Inspired By Switzerland, curator Gabriela Chicherio, Zurich (CH).


Homo Faber Guide

Launch of a new European platform that lists exceptional Artisan Craftspeople. You’ll find my activity listed there.

30.09 - 04.10 2020

Compassare, Spielact, Contemporary Art Festival – Geneva (CH)

Collaboration with the artist Simon Deppierraz for a public installation in the new district of La Jonction.